Tribute Wall
Memorial Gathering
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Freeman Manalapan Marlboro Funeral Home
344 Route 9 North
Manalapan, New Jersey, United States
Memorial Gathering
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Friday, September 15, 2023
Freeman Manalapan Marlboro Funeral Home
344 Route 9 North
Manalapan, New Jersey, United States
Memorial Gathering
9:30 am - 10:30 am
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Freeman Manalapan Marlboro Funeral Home
344 Route 9 North
Manalapan, New Jersey, United States
Memorial Service
11:00 am
Saturday, September 16, 2023
The Parish of Saint Mary
1 Phalanx Road
Colts Neck, New Jersey, United States

Tajai Miller posted a symbolic gesture
Thursday, May 16, 2024

As me and my mom share text messages this morning. She mentioned your name. I can never forget as a kid growing up and my mom bringing home the HOMEMADE BANANA BREAD you would make. It's crazy even after you moved you still continue to send us the Christmas cards every year. My grandmom really enjoyed. We miss you dearly. This past Christmas wasn't the same. May God continue to watch over Mr. Rick, Christopher and Nicholas,
Srini Malempati posted a condolence
Sunday, November 26, 2023
We are deeply saddened by the news we just came to know. She was an amazing person. Thoughts and prayers are with your family!
-Malempati family
Gail Opatut posted a condolence
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Tenderly, may time heal your sorrow. Gently may friends ease your pain. Softly may peace replace your heartaches. And may the warmest memories remain. Love you.
Tiffany palady posted a symbolic gesture
Saturday, September 16, 2023

We are so very sorry for the loss of such a wonderful person.We were fortunate enough to call the Peckyno family neighbors in Newark Delaware. Prayers to all her family and friends. She will be greatly missed. Jeff,Tiffany,Jared and Aidan Palady
Aracelis Cepeda posted a condolence
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Rick, Christopher and Nicholas, we are so very sorry for your loss and we send our deepest condolences and join in your pain. May the Lord fill your hearts with strength, his light and love. Hilde leaves behind many memories of love, joy and kindness which she shared with all that she met.
With much love and sympathy, Jose and Aracelis Cepeda (296 Stirrup Dr)
Anne Frati posted a condolence
Saturday, September 16, 2023
I’m so sorry for the tremendous loss of Hilde in every one’s lives she ever touched. She was an amazing person with such a kind and giving spirit. My family will miss you and we will keep your family in our prayers. Love ya sista.
Rohini Ramlakhan posted a condolence
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Mijn lieve vriendin van de St Louiseschool.
Je vergat nooit mijn verjaardag.
Juf Nieuwenhuis en fam, gecondoleerd met dit smartelijk verlies.
Karen and Danny Douglass posted a condolence
Friday, September 15, 2023
Danny and I thought the world of Hilde-Ann. We always enjoyed her company every time we saw her. We are so deeply saddened and our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Cousins Karen and Danny Douglass
Linda Honig Donnelly lit a candle
Friday, September 15, 2023

Rick, Christopher and Nicholas,
We are so sorry for your tragic loss of Hilde. Wishing you healing and hope that the memories of your times together bring you comfort at this terrible time,
With sorrow,
Linda and Thomas Donnelly
Domenica Dasilva posted a condolence
Friday, September 15, 2023
Remembering the indomitable spirit of Hilde-Ann, her laughter still echoes in our hearts. Her innate kindness and generosity were a beacon of hope in gloomy times, while her adventurous soul and intelligent wit were sources of endless inspiration. The selfless love she poured onto those around her was reminiscent of divine benevolence. Not only did she comfort with words but also strengthened through prayer which we shared during tough times. May her beautiful soul rest peacefully, forever remembered with joy amidst our tears.
Ann Backaert lit a candle
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Lieve tante Fine, oom Eddy, Peggy en familie,
Mijn condoleances aan jullie allemaal. Geschokt, verslagen en verdrietig las ik vandaag dit vreselijke nieuws en kan het maar niet bevatten.
Mijn herinneringen aan Hilde gaan ver terug in de tijd in Suriname, op de St Louise School en natuurlijk Dijkveld en de logeerpartijen bij jullie. Een bijzondere periode die ik voor altijd koester. Wat heb ik toen met en om haar gelachen, genoten van haar energieke spirit, humor, de twinkelingen in haar ogen.
Ik wens jullie heel veel sterkte, troost en steun. Heel veel liefs. Love you all.
Ann Backaert
Nadia Kudryk posted a condolence
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Our hearts are full of sadness learning of sweet, kind , generous Hilde passing away. She will forever live in our hearts. Rick, Chris & Nick, so very sorry for your loss. Sincere condolences. Nadia Kudryk & Family
April Gatling posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Deepest condolences to Hilde’s family. I am so sorry for your loss. I worked with Hilde many years ago and still think about her often. She was truly a pleasure to see each day and I loved her openness and kindness. From reading her messages, it is evident that she was truly one if a kind.
April Gatling (Swiderski)
Nancy posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
To the family of Hilde, With deepest sympathy and condolences. Form Aunt Joan, Craig & Caroline, and Nancy & David.
Kristi Harris posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Rick, Chris and Nick,
I was so very sorry to hear about Hilde's accident. I remember walking onto the bleachers at SJV for Kyle's first high school varsity lacrosse game feeling a little intimidated, especially since he was only a freshman, but Hilde gave me such a huge smile and a warm welcome! We spent many afternoons on those bleachers together and she was always a bright point in my day (you, too, Rick). I have thought about her often and remember her with gratitude, warmth and a smile each time and will continue to do so after her passing.
Kristi Harris
Diana Backer lit a candle
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Lieve tante Fiene en overige familie, bij deze mijn welgemeende condoleances. Ik wens u allen heel veel liefde en prachtige herinneringen aan jullie dochter, zus, wife, mother and friend. Hilde will be missed forever and may her love for you all keep you strong.
Een lieve groet
Diana Backer
Ivy adriaens lo tam soen lit a candle
Monday, September 11, 2023

Lieve Juf Niewenhuizen & familie. Gecondoleerd met dit grote verlies. Hilde was altyd zo jolly, her spirit will live on forever. Heel veel sterkte toegewenst. Ivy Lo Tam Soen (nichtje van Joyce Tjien A Fat, Louiseschool
Jean Homrighausen lit a candle
Monday, September 11, 2023

Rick, Christopher, Nicholas, Fine, Eddie, Peggy, Bill, Bailey, Sarah and John,
I first met Hilde at Peggy & Bill's wedding. She was the maid of honor. I was also in the wedding as Bill's sister. When we realized that the florist made one less bridesmaid bouquet than needed, Hilde graciously accepted a big Gerberra daisy from one of the bouquets to carry instead of a full bouquet. She did this with such grace, openness and a cheerful attitude. That really made an impression on me about what kind of person she was to have kept her cool in an anxious moment. Because of Hilde, a tense moment during a happy occasion was diffused.
May God enfold you in love during this difficult time and going forward.
Grace, peace, and love to you all,
Jean & John Homrighausen
Mike Messink posted a condolence
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. As neighbors, Hilde was one of the most caring and generous people I know.. We are deeply saddened by this terrible loss of life. God Bless!
The family of Hilde-Ann Peckyno uploaded a photo
Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Please wait
Hannah lit a candle
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

To the Peckyno family- there are no words to emulate the heaviness of losing Hilde. She was, and always will be, a fiercely vivacious and compassionate spirit to all those who adored her. She was a person who empowered everyone around her to take up their space and be unapologetically courageous. Every encounter I had with her was a lively one. Zichrona Livracha, I’m sending my support from the Rockies in Colorado and my family sends their utmost condolences.
All my love, Hannah Lavender and the rest of the Conroy clan
Mary Wesley uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, September 5, 2023




David Albert Alessio posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Rick and Family-You have our deepest sympathies. Mary Ann and David Alessio
Joe Garofalo lit a candle
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

My condolences to all … too many memories of Hilde and all when she just got to this country .. I am so lucky to have had her around me & in my life & heart. So it is with much sadness I offer my condolences to you all Fina,Eddie, Ricky Peg & all of your families..
Richard Colarusso posted a condolence
Saturday, September 2, 2023
Hilde you will never known how much you will be missed, you were the kindness person I have ever known in my life. When I was in the hospital you were the first person to visit me, something I will never forget. Your cookies and bread were the best, my 11 year old granddaughter would always ask when is the bread lady making more bread.
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